Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Mike Ameling Strikers

Sad news. I just heard yesterday, from two different sources,that Mike Ameling passed away in his sleep a couple of weeks ago. His fire steels are in the Prime Possibles in the Nov/Dec 2009 issue.

By all accounts, his passing was totally unexpected. He was a talented blacksmith and will be missed by all who knew him.

Bill Scurlock


  1. That is very sad news...I have a collection of Mike's strikers, and always planned to get a few more examples from him...he was a talented smith and a fine person to deal with...his passing is very sad news indeed.

  2. I'd met Mike several times at Ft de Chartes & always had some good talks with him, unfortunately never bought any of his strikers, his knowledge & friendship will truly be missed, Godspeed "Grumpy Ol' Blacksmith"
