Wednesday, September 2, 2009

British and American Sailor Clothing 1750-1820

We signed a new book contract with Larry Babits and Matt Brenckle on their book British and American Sailor Clothing 1750–1820. This is a fascinating book based on a shipwreck in the early 19th century. Seems that when the ship sank, the stores of tar flowed onto many items of clothing, protecting them from the ravages of the elements. When the wreck was found and excavated, many pieces clothing were preserved. While there are no whole garments left, there are enough pieces of garments left to accurately portray what the complete garment looked like. Virtually every item of clothing common to the sailor of that period is in this collection of preserved garments. In addition, the authors have gathered many pieces of period artwork to compliment their clothing presentation.

This will be a fun book to work on. I don't yet have an estimate of when the book will be ready to release, but we do have all of the materials to produce it in hand. Because of a couple of prior commitments to projects we're doing for others, I'm thinking that this Sailor Clothing book will be finished by next spring. I'll let you know as progress is made.

Bill Scurlock

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